For Women seeking to understand WHAT the hell 
is happening to their hormones to cause 
so many uncomfortable symptoms at midlife  

Does any of this sound familiar?

  •  Are you fed up with not being able to sleep at night because your mind is racing and it never used to be like this.
  • ​Suffering from headaches or migraines and just know they are linked to your monthly cycle.
  • ​Feel like your teenage spotty skin is back and would take wrinkles over this embarrassment any day.
  • ​Have you got typical menopausal symptoms like hot flushes, breast pain, sweating or vaginal dryness and wonder why Women have so much to contend with?
  • ​Brain fog and fatigue just keep you stuck going around in circles and not achieving anything every day.
  • ​Depression or anxiety symptoms are rising or you mood swings feel out of control and you are running out of solutions.

We get you! 
We struggled with our health for years and are also at the peri-menopause stage AND we have found the holistic tools that help.

Here's 3 tools to help you understand your symptoms in less than 3 hours plus how you can find balance again.

Tool 1 : 1 hour workshop
Valued at £44

  •  Adele is a Women's Health Practitioner, Author & Cyclical Living Guide​.
  • ​Understand the impact that changing hormones have on our mood management.
  • ​Learn about the different stages of the peri-menopause and to recognise where you are at.
  • ​Find our how much of this is with your control and what steps you can take to improve your symptoms.
  • ​Get recommendations for further reading if you want to dive even deeper into this subject.

Tool 2 : 50 minute workshop
Valued at £44

  • Hannah is a Women's Health Practitioner & Naturopathic Nutritionist.
  • ​Understand how to track your menstrual cycle which will help you to understand your cycle, symptoms & imbalances. 
  • ​What to do if you don't bleed and don't know what's happen with your cycle.
  • ​What activities and exercise to do at what point of your cycles to optimise your energy.
  • ​What food to eat during the 4 different phases of your cycle and when intermittent fasting works and may not work.
  • Herbs to support PCOS, heavy periods, increasing  iron and reducing cramps.
  • ​How to recognise high estrogen, foods that help to heal  and what to avoid.
  • ​How to seed cycle and how it helps to balance hormones naturally. 

Tool 3 : Menu plan pre ovulation 
Valued at £25

  • This menu plan contains foods that support healthy estrogen levels inc cruciferous vegetables, nuts, seeds and fish.
  • ​Full 7 days of breakfast, lunch and dinner including shopping lists.
  • ​Saving you time and the never ending question of what to eat. 
  • ​All recipes are healthy, delicious and easy to make.

Tool 3 : Menu plan post ovulation
Valued at £25

  • This menu is designed to reduce cravings and manage blood sugar after ovulation and before your period.
  • ​Full 7 days of breakfast, lunch and dinner including shopping lists.
  • Saving you time and the never ending question of what to eat. 
  • ​All recipes are healthy, delicious and easy to make.

Bonus 1 

Sacral soothing yoga
Valued £20

  •  Easy postures, simple breathwork and relaxation techniques 
  • ​That allow you to build into your self care routine to help support you through challenges in your cycle.  

Bonus 2

Self care for 4 phases
Valued £60

  • Easy self care for each stage of your menstrual cycle ovulation, menstruation, pre and post ovulation
  • ​Diet to balance hormonal health
Just £44
(total value £218)
What You're Going to Get:
  • ​Access to Adele's 1 hour Peri-menopause workshop  to completely understand the emotional and mental impact and empower you to make easy changes that make a big difference.
  • ​Hannah's 50 minute workshop on menstrual cycle tracking to find out the herbs, foods and self care that will help you in each phase.
  • ​2 x menu plans to save you time and give you the exact nutrients that you need to support you during the peri-menopause.
  • ​BONUS: Sacral soothing wind down yoga class (value £20) When your sacral chakra is out of balance this can show up for women as difficulties in your cycle or challenges around Perimenopause. These simple techniques will support you through challenges in your cycle.  
  • ​BONUS: Self care techniques in video form for each of the 4 phases of your menstrual cycle, the natural way to help reduce symptoms of the peri-menopause naturally (value £60)
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